Vacuum Hose

About this product

The Vacuum Hose (#9099992006), a key auto part in the Engine-Fuel/Vacuum Piping system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role. This component is responsible for transmitting engine vacuum to various systems, such as the brake booster and emissions-control components, facilitating optimal performance and safety. With time, the Vacuum Hose (#9099992006) may become clogged, worn, or broken, impeding its functioning. A faulty hose could lead to reduced engine performance, negative impact on emissions, or compromise braking efficiency. Therefore, it's essential to replace it periodically. Genuine parts from Toyota Autoparts provide optimal vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Vacuum Hose (#9099992006) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the Engine-Fuel/Vacuum Piping system, ensuring your vehicle's smooth and safe operation.