Wiring Harness Clamp

About this product

The Wiring Harness Clamp (#82711-2C160), a vital component in Toyota's Body Roof Panel & Back Panel system and Electrical Windshield Washer system, has a critical role of securing the system's wiring harness in place. This clamp ensures the wiring stays organized and prevents any unnecessary movement that can lead to wear and tear. Genuine Toyota parts like this clamp are essential for vehicle compatibility, and come with the support of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the clamp can become worn out or broken. If this occurs, it may lose its ability to hold the wires securely, causing them to rub against each other or against other components, potentially leading to short circuits or other electrical issues. Therefore, periodic replacement of this clamp is essential. In conclusion, the Wiring Harness Clamp (#82711-2C160) contributes significantly to the safety of the vehicle by preventing electrical malfunctions that can compromise the functionality of the systems it serves.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82711-2C160

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