
About this product

The Clamp (#85387-22410), an electrical component within the Windshield Washer system, plays a pivotal role in securely fastening hoses and wires, facilitating uninterrupted fluid and electrical flow. This Toyota Autoparts component helps maintain the system's operational integrity by keeping parts in their designated positions during vehicle movement. However, due to potential wear and tear, it's advisable to replace the Clamp (#85387-22410) periodically. Neglecting this step could lead to system failure or leaks as the Clamp (#85387-22410) may lose its grip, disrupting the efficient operation of the Windshield Washer system. Genuine Toyota Autoparts Clamp (#85387-22410)s are recommended for optimal vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Clamp (#85387-22410)'s role is integral to the overall system efficiency, maintaining the functionality of the Windshield Washer system, thus contributing to the vehicle's safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85387-AA010
Part Number 85387-22410

Core Charge

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