Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt

About this product

The Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt (#90105-08099), a robust component of the Drive-Chassis in the Power Steering Tube system, holds a fundamental role in maintaining the structural integrity of the system. It keeps various components securely fastened, contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle. As a genuine Toyota part, this bolt ensures optimal compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like any other part, the Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt (#90105-08099) can wear out or get damaged over time, causing loosening of key components. Such degradation can lead to steering imprecision, which is a serious safety concern. Hence, periodic inspection and potential replacement is necessary. A genuine, well-maintained Washer Based Head Hexagon Bolt (#90105-08099) contributes to the smooth and safe operation of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90105-08099

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